Transition Multipliers
The Transition Multiplier Property specifies multiplier values to be applied to transition probabilities over the course of the simulation.
The fields for the Transition Multiplier Property are:
Iteration (optional)
The Iteration for which the multiplier record applies. If left blank then the multiplier record applies to all iterations.
Timestep (optional)
The Timestep for which the multiplier applies. If left blank then the multiplier record applies to all timesteps. A multiplier continues through time until another Timestep value is encountered by the model for the same transition type in the same stratum, at which point the new multiplier values for transition type will be applied.
Primary Stratum (optional)
The Primary Stratum for which the multiplier record applies. If left blank then the multiplier record applies to all primary strata.
Secondary Stratum (optional)
The Secondary Stratum for which the multiplier record applies. If left blank then the multiplier record applies to all secondary strata.
Tertiary Stratum (optional)
The Tertiary Stratum for which the multiplier record applies. If left blank, then the multiplier record applies to all tertiary strata.
State Class (optional)
The State Class for which the multiplier record applies.
Transition Group
The Transition Group for which the multiplier applies.
Multiplier Type (optional)
The multiplier type for which the multiplier record applies. If selected, multiple multiplier types can be assigned to the same combination of transition group, primary stratum, secondary stratum, iteration and timestep such that the product of these multipliers will be applied at runtime.
The multiplier value to be used.
Multiplier Distribution (optional)
When using a probability distribution for multipliers, users must specify a Probability Distribution Type. At the moment either the Normal or Beta distributions are available for setting multipliers.
Multiplier Sampling Frequency (optional)
When using a probability distribution for multipliers, users must specify a sampling frequency value that can be used to sample from a specified distribution.
Multiplier SD (optional)
When using a probability distribution for multipliers, users must specify a standard deviation value that can be used to sample from a specified distribution.
Multiplier Min (optional)
When using a probability distribution for multipliers, users can specify a minimum value that can be sampled from a specified distribution.
Multiplier Max (optional)
When using a probability distribution for multipliers, users can specify a maximum value that can be sampled from a specified distribution.