Each State Class in a Stratum can have a single record in the States Property. Each record defines whether a state class undergoes a deterministic transition to another state class and the timeframe for the transition to occur. It also defines the location on the screen for the specified state class to be displayed in the Transition Pathway Diagram.
A States record is characterized according to the following fields:
Iteration (optional)
The Iteration for the State. If blank then the State applies to all iterations.
Timestep (optional)
The Timestep for the State. If blank then the State applies to all timesteps.
Primary Stratum (optional)
The Stratum for the State.
The State to be drawn on the diagram.
To Primary Stratum (optional)
The Stratum of the destination State Class if there is a deterministic transition. If blank then the Primary Stratum value will be used.
To Class (optional)
The destination State Class if there is a deterministic transition.
Age Min (optional)
The minimum age of the State.
Age Max (optional)
The maximum age of the State. Once this age is reached, if a deterministic transition is defined it will transition a cell to the destination State.
In ST-Sim version 3 or later: if a deterministic transition goes back to the same State Class and the maximum age is reached, the age of the cell will remain at the maximum value. In previous versions, the age would be reset to the starting age of the class.
The location in the Pathway Diagram for the State.
To indicate that no deterministic transition pathway exists for a State, leave To Stratum and To Class blank.
See Also
Use the Pathway Diagram to edit your States more easily.