Spatial Initial Conditions
The Spatial Initial Conditions Property lets you load up to five different raster files in GeoTIFF format:
- Primary Stratum
- Secondary Stratum (optional)
- Tertiary Stratum (optional)
- State Class
- Age (optional)
Iteration (optional)
The Iteration for which the initial condition record applies.
All raster files must be identical in terms of extent, location, number of rows, columns and spatial referencing system. As you load each raster, ST-Sim displays the number of rows and columns, and the cell size. Also displayed are the following calculated values:
- The Cell size in the units specified under definitions.
- The Number of cells.
- The Total area of the landscape.
If ST-Sim is unable to recognize the area units specified in the raster files, the cell size and associated calculations may be wrong. In this case, you can Override the Cell size calculation and specify your own value.